Tips for How to Start off the New Year Right for 2016

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Here are my tips of things you should do to make this year great! These tips will help you with your New Year's resolution or any of your goals in general. They will also just help you have a happier year in general! 

Tip 1: Resolutions
Everyone always makes unrealistic resolutions for the new year. After about a week or two, those resolutions end up forgotten and in the garbage. In order to successfully carry out your resolution for 2016, you need to make sure it has certain characteristics. It must be specific, measurable, attainable and of course, realistic. If your resolution isn't any of those things, than you may as well not even make one. They need to be specific, because if that will ensure that you know exactly what your goal is, so you can work at getting closer to it. You also need to be able to measure your goal, because that's how you will know if you have reached it or not. Of course, your goal or resolution must be realistic and attainable, because it needs to be something that you can actually accomplish. It must be within your grasp, because if it isn't, you won't work towards achieving it.

Tip 2: Inspirational Board

This is a collage I made a few years ago, with some of my favorite celebrities, makeup and fashion items on it. Making a collage of things that inspire or motivate you can help you to reach your goal or resolution for the new year. You can cut out pictures and words from magazines or from the Internet of things that will convince you to achieve your goal. Make sure to put this board up where you will look at it often, like on your wall or on your desk.

Tip 3: Happiness Jar

Write things that made you happy or memorable things that happened on little slips of paper every day in 2016, and put them all in a jar. Fold up the slip of paper and write the date on the side of paper showing. You should have 365 slips of paper by next year, and you can read them all to remember all the happy things that the previous year brought. You can also read the slips of paper whenever you are feeling sad or need a jolt of joy.

Tip 4: Write in a Journal

Writing in a journal every day is a great creative outlet, and lets you rewind through your day at night. Writing all your thoughts at night before you go to bed can also help you have a better night sleep. It's also fun to look back on your entries in the following year, to see what you were doing or thinking about on that very day the year before. 

Tip 5: Organize Your Room
Organizing your room will give you a fresh start to the new year. This will make you jump into the new year already feeling organized and on top of everything! You can also make a cozy corner in your room, where you can light candles, decorate with pillows and blankets, and put your favorite books or magazines. 

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a great 2016!

Disclaimer: All thoughts and opinions are mine! I take credit for all the photos except for the one of the fireworks, which was from Google images. 

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